How can we help you ?

How can we help you ?

Open an account Stock-related issues Tracking your order
  • Open an account

    What documents are required to open a customer account?

    To open a customer account, we require the following documents:

    Company letterhead: Please submit an official company document with company letterhead. This may include a recent invoice, contract, or other legally recognized document.

    Company details: Please be sure to provide us with your company's full contact details, including physical address, telephone number and main e-mail address.

    Intracommunity VAT number: If your company is subject to VAT and operates throughout Europe, please provide us with your Intracommunity VAT number. This is crucial to facilitate commercial transactions across borders.

    SIRET (if French): If your company is registered in France, please include the SIRET number, which is an essential component of your company's identification in the French register.

  • Stock-related issues

    How long does it take to deliver an in-stock product?

    For a product available in stock, our commitment is to ship your order within one week of receipt of your order. We understand the importance of speed and efficiency when it comes to delivery, and we make every effort to ensure that your order is dispatched promptly.

    Please note that this time may vary depending on your delivery location and logistical conditions, but we strive to provide you with accurate tracking information so that you can follow your package to its destination.

    How do I know if a product is in stock?

    To check the availability of a product in our stock, we invite you to consult our online inventory. We have two main stocking locations:

    US stock:
    Worldwide stock:

    When you log in for the first time, please request a password. This password will be required at each subsequent connection to ensure the confidentiality of your information. By accessing these links, you will be able to check product availability in real time.

    If you have any further questions about the availability of a specific product, or if you require special assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Tracking your order

    What's the best way to contact Forécreu customer service?

    To contact our customer service department at Forécreu, you have several options:

    By e-mail: Send us an e-mail to the following address: We endeavor to respond promptly to all e-mail inquiries.

    By phone: If you prefer more immediate assistance, please call us on +1 (773)539 8501. Our Inside Sales department will be delighted to help you Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

    How can I find out the status of my order?

    To obtain information on the status of your order, please contact our Inside Sales department using one of the following methods:

    By e-mail: Send your request to
    By telephone: +1 (773)539 8501

    Our sales representatives will be happy to provide you with updated details on the status of your order. Be sure to include any relevant information, such as order number or any necessary references, to facilitate fast and accurate assistance.

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